Cream White, K7 Straub & Rubén Patino

25/09/2016, 19h30

Rubén Patiño, also known as Pato, is a Berlin-based artist working in the field of Electronic Music and Visuals. He is focused on the sculptural properties of synthetic sound while exploring the limits of concert, public event and installation. In particular, Patiño works within the field of sound synthesis while exploring the audio-visual creative potential of programing environments and algorithmic composition.All his works tent to contain different strategies regarding space and formats of presentation while combining sound, lights, text, image or found materials with elements of early electronic music, ideograms and 20th Century art movements.With works published in several labels such as Anòmia, Free Software Series, Alku and upcoming records on Ge-Stell and HyperMedium. He has also created multichannel pieces, installations and has extensively played solo concerts.

Since 2013 he has been involved in N.M.O. A rolling computerized ceremonial aerobics unit that together with percussionist Morten J Olsen. operates in a hybrid territory between club music, performance and inventive forms of sound spatialisation. This is what they call ‘Military Danceable Space Music and/or Fluxus Techno'.Rubén Patiño has also collaborated with Arnau Sala aka Exoteric Continent and with Roc Jiménez de Cisneros as an occasional EVOL member and as in Super-boredom. A series of multi-channel audio pieces that uses an extremely rigid temporal structure.Long exposure to this pieces is key to allow for this immersive experience and truly induce the listener into a state that distorts her perception of space and time.

CREAM WHITE ( Paris / Chicago )
Andy Armstrong.
Une 1/2 reprise d'un duo (composé de Andy Armstrong & RF Culbertson à l' origine)
un véritable projet solo à vrai dire maintenant.
Collages mouvants, cuts, abstractions, évidences, interrogations et technique colorée.
Andy Armstrong raconte et dépeint un univers sérieusement débile.

K7 STRAUB ( uk/fr/us )
