Gabi Losoncy is coming

Three Performances (3/3)

Friday, December 14th
9pm at Treize
24 rue Moret, 75011 Paris
free price

As part of a program organised by Julien Laugier together with Shanaynay.

Gabi Losoncy is coming to Paris from December 9th to 16th. She will perform three times at the following locations.
Each performance will be different.

Wednesday December 12th
7.30pm at Shanaynay
78 rue des Amandiers, 75020 Paris

Thursday, December 13th
2pm at the auditorium of the pavillon Carré de Baudouin
121 rue de Ménilmontant, 75020 Paris

Friday, December 14th
9pm at Treize
24 rue Moret, 75011 Paris
free price

Shanaynay has received the support of DRAC Île-de-France.
We would like to thank la Mairie du 20ème for the possibility to use the pavillon Carré de Baudouin.

at Shanaynay

at the auditorium of the pavillon Carré de Baudouin

at Treize