"Dear John" - Colin Larsonneur & Christina Wood,
organisé par Olga Rozenblum.
Du 17 octobre au 2 novembre 2019, 16h à 19h tous les jours.
Lectures de l'exposition :
13 octobre : Paradise And Free Drinks
31 octobre : Dear John, lecture collective
On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 1:33 AM, Christina Wood
i am pretty
i am loud
i am good
i am enough
i am the clock of the wall
i am the fork to the plate
i am every things
i am want
i am hate
i am hard
i am worms
i am am thank you
i am dust
i am
i do have ideas
and my ideas are not exactly good
or goods
however i feel that much as has been
there is the availability of with as enough
and with is more than good
about has
meaning the work makes worth
i have a BA in history and a minor in English
from the University of Florida
i thought first i want to be an architect and then i respected credit hours
and i considered photo journalism however what i realized was
that i could graduate with a degree
and not ask myself more
i became a self taught graphic artist, a digital artist, a computer programmer and
a love within myself
please do not put paper to i have made a bastard
that is not true
i am not a virgin
and i have never been pregnant
please do not say i made a child as a bastard
when i have not ever birthed
On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 2:03 AM, Christina Wood
can you deposit the money about all debits public and private
On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 2:03 AM, Christina Wood
that is the exact statement of the united states dollar to market
all debits public and private
Entre septembre 2016 et janvier 2019, Colin est vendeur à la boutique John Galliano. contact@johngalliano.com est l’adresse e-mail dédiée au e-shop, longtemps en construction, qu'il faut nettoyer alors que des dizaines de milliers de spams, de candidatures spontanées, de demandes de collaborations avaient eu le temps de s’accumuler. La tâche est longue et répétitive ; les employé.e.x.s s'y attèlent à tour de rôle. Quand il prend la suite, il est prévenu : les messages d’une certaine Christina Wood font planter le système, truffés de lourdes pièces jointes suspectes... Tout en supprimant ces messages, Colin s’en transfère quelques-uns, en immortalise d’autres avec des captures d’écran. Le soir, il ouvre les messages transférés. Il comprend que Christina Wood n’est pas un robot, qu'elle s'adresse d'un endroit pour quelques un.e.x.s, pour dire des choses.