20 JUIN 2015

Selon certaines biographies, Tan Lin est simultanément écrivain, artiste et critique. Mais il est avant tout poète. Au fil de son œuvre, la poésie, loin de se cantonner à un domaine spécifique – celui des Lettres –, est au contraire une forme transitoire, temporelle, qui se diffuse entre les genres, les arts, les médiums et les époques. Voici pourquoi nous voulions inviter Tan Lin à organiser une exposition à Treize en 2016.
Pour les vacances, Tan Lin a décidé de quitter son appartement de Manhattan pour visiter la France. En préfiguration de l'exposition prévue au printemps prochain, nous profitons de l'occasion pour organiser à l'improviste une présentation de quelques-unes de ses vidéos (parmi lesquelles Eleven Minute Painting, Ph. D Sound, Mastering the Art of French Cooking). Nous espérons que cette séance sera l'occasion de parler tous ensemble de poésie, de l'exposition à venir, et peut-être de gastronomie, au détour d'une conversation que Tan souhaite « informal and fun though, for the summer! »
Tan Lin est l'auteur d'une trentaine d'ouvrages, dont Heat Course Pak, Insomnia and the Aunt, ou 7 Controlled Vocabularies and Obituary 2004. The Joy of Cooking. Ses travaux (vidéos, performances, etc.) ont été présentés à Artists Space, au Yale Museum, à l'Ontological Hysterical Theatre, au New Museum et dans le programme Soundcheck Series du Whitney Museum. Il enseigne le creating writing à l'Université du New Jersey. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat de l'Université de Columbia.
According to certain biographies, Tan Lin is a writer, artist, and critic. But he is first and foremost a poet. Throughout his work, poetry, far from being confined to a specific realm - that of Literature - is rather a transitory and temporal form which diffuses itself through different genres, arts, mediums, and periods. This is why we would like to invite Tan Lin to make an exhibition at Treize in 2016.
For his holidays, Tan Lin has left his Manhattan apartment to visit France. As a prelude to his exhibition scheduled for next Spring, we would like to take this opportunity to show some of his videos (among them Eleven Minute Painting, Ph. D Sound, Mastering the Art of French Cooking). We hope that this projection will be an opportunity for all of us to discuss poetry, his coming exhibition, and perhaps also gastronomy, by means of a conversation that Tan wishes to be "informal and fun though, for the summer!"
Tan Lin is the author of over thirteen books, including Heat Course Pak, Insomnia and the Aunt,7 Controlled Vocabularies and Obituary 2004. The Joy of Cooking. His video, theatrical and LCD work have been shown at Artists Space, the Yale Art Museum, Ontological Hysterical Theatre, The New Museum, and as part of the Whitney Museum of American Art’s Soundcheck Series. He teaches creative writing at New Jersey City University. He received a Ph.D from Columbia University.
Gallien & Pierre